“What’s Your Side Effect?” Positive Social Norms

The Scott County Positive Social Norms Campaign began in 2014. While educating young people on the realities of prescription drug abuse is important, research has shown that traditional fear-based anti-drug messaging is not particularly effective. Scott County’s social media campaign is prevention-oriented and focuses on providing a voice to those who feel voiceless, in addition to educating, empowering, and inspiring individuals toward lives of positive choices and positive impact on the world around them.

We hold a “What’s Your Side Effect?” Youth Speak Out Event each year  where youth age 6-12th grades are asked to write an essay sharing about what they or someone they know is doing to have a positive impact on their friends, school, or community. Each person who participates receives a “What’s Your Side Effect?” T-shirt and a $25 gift card.

The “What’s Your Side Effect?” Film Festival Contest is held each year for all 5-12th grade students in the county, in addition to a Town Hall Meeting on Underage Drinking. This contest provides a platform for Scott County 5th-12th grade filmmakers to RAZZLE, DAZZLE, and leave audiences in AWE with their youth-oriented stories about themselves or someone they know who is having a positive impact and making a difference in others’ lives by serving as a positive role model for their friends, school, or community.

Visit www.whatsyoursideeffect.org for more information.