Career Clusters began with a partnership with Scott County School District #2. Three times a year, volunteers were recruited who represented the 16 clusters from the U.S. Dept. of Education. The 16 career clusters link to 70+ more specific Career pathways, each having their own knowledge and skills requirements. Within the 70+ career pathways, there are 1800 career specialties’ defined. The Scott County Partnership assisted with recruiting as many volunteers as possible that fit within the 70 career pathways. We never had all 70 represented, but we strove to recruit as many as possible.
Since the beginning of Career Clusters, this program has evolved. Now, volunteers are recruited twice per year. One visit they speak to the students regarding their specific career. The second visit is formatted to be more of a career fair.
With Scott County School District #1, the Partnership has assisted Guidance Counselors to put on a career fair once per year, to assist with “Drive For Your Life” and help with other career programs as needed. A good number of volunteers are needed each year for both school districts’ career events.